So long, farewell.


As you may have noticed, I have had the world's shittiest week. However, things are looking up in that department, but I shall still refrain from saying anything about it, just in case. I'm making my recorded statement to USAA in the morning.


This weekend I did what every stressed out lady does if given the oppurtunity: I shopped, copiously. And had a lot of coffee. And ate Taco Bell and Fire Wok. Picked up a nice cardigan at NY&Co for $9. Bought some books (books and TV being my means of distraction from said shitty week - I've read four or five books so far, and depleted my store of TiVo'd items), rented some videos, wore a hat, you know, you know.

All in all, I'm doing okay, but I'm reevaluating my life, and that kind of sucks, in a freeing sort of way.

Also, a random bruise blossomed across my boob yesterday, and it's kind of purpley yellow and gross. So's the one across my stomach, and I can only assume these are latent seatbelt bruises.

So, I made a cake and ate it for dinner. Well, I ate a piece and got tired of it, so now there's a whole cake on my stove I dont' really want to eat. If you're in San Antonio in the next couple of days, I'll give you a piece. It's pineapple flavored with buttercream frosting.

Not watching the Oscars, because I don't care. I haven't seen any of the movies up for awards, and I don't rightly care!

Off to knit something. I am 4+ inches into the back of my vintage jacket. Yay. I want to make another newsboy cap, though. I thought I was over that, but I was wrong. I'll have to find the variegated yarn I was going to use for it. And the needles. Ha.

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